Field Supplies

Hornady Lock N Load Auto-Progressive Reloading Press Review
For as many reloading presses that I have used, I believe the Hornady Lock N Load Auto-Progressive Reloading Press deserves a closer look. For years, I’ve been using the old Hornady Pro-Jector to reload bullets. It still works, but lacks the features of many modern day reloaders. Also at 20 […]
Hornady 85003 Lock N Load Classic Reloading Press Kit REVIEW
Abstract Looking to reload bullets tailored made for accuracy and precision? The Hornady Lock-N-Load Classic Reloading Kit conatins pretty much everything you need to reload those high-quality, accurate hitting reloads. Although a single stage press, it is made for speed and ease. the Lock-N-Load Classic press allows you to switch […]

Handloading for Competition by Glen Zediker REVIEW
In another post, I suggested the Lyman Reloading Handbook for beginner to intermediate bullet reloaders. But what if you’re looking for something a little more advance? If you’re already a competent reloader, and looking to increase accuracy of your rounds, I would suggest looking into Handloading for Competition by Glen […]
Lyman Reload Handbook Review.
Ill do my best to explain how to reload on this site, but for everything else, I recommend this book The Lyman Reload Handbook first guides you through the reloading process and explains all of the components and important terminology. It clearly highlights the most important parts and steps. […]